- The Works
- The Revelation, the Miracle, and Jesus (pdf format)
The Revelation, the Miracle, and Jesus (pdf format)

The Revelation, the Miracle, and Jesus (pdf format)
Ernest is offering a free download of the article, "The Revelation, the Miracle, and Jesus." This is more like a chapter of a book in length, breadth, and depth. The beginning quote gives the reason this is a pertinent topic for all people: “The life of Jesus was not just for the Jews, or later for the Christians, or for those who believe in him, or even solely for the peoples of this world."
Note: Though the check out process requires that you fill out the forms, you do not have to put a real phone number or address. You will not be asked for further payment info and not charged for any payment. The State and phone number do have to match.
Above Spiritual Squabbles
There may be some readers of A Course in Miracles, and others, who do not believe that as individuals we are eternal personalities with our own joyous journey to Paradise. Ernest lays this confusion to rest. He identifies the author of A Course in Miracles as the same Jesus who is the subject of the revelation we have with The Urantia Book. Ernest shows us that this is the same Jesus of the Bible, but with a higher perspective about Judas and the crucifixion. He elevates our understanding of who we are and our Creator in ways that may surprise you.
Be prepared – this is a long article, but a profound contribution to the conversations on the planet regarding who we are and who Jesus was and is.
Ernest’s perspective, as always, is above all institutional dogma and cultural constraints. Is it not time we come to some common understanding of Truth?
Conscious Copyright Policy applies.
Ernest is offering a free download of the article, "The Revelation, the Miracle, and Jesus." This is more like a chapter of a book in length, breadth, and depth. The beginning quote gives the reason this is a pertinent topic for all people: “The life of Jesus was not just for the Jews, or later for the Christians, or for those who believe in him, or even solely for the peoples of this world."
Note: Though the check out process requires that you fill out the forms, you do not have to put a real phone number or address. You will not be asked for further payment info and not charged for any payment. The State and phone number do have to match.
Above Spiritual Squabbles
There may be some readers of A Course in Miracles, and others, who do not believe that as individuals we are eternal personalities with our own joyous journey to Paradise. Ernest lays this confusion to rest. He identifies the author of A Course in Miracles as the same Jesus who is the subject of the revelation we have with The Urantia Book. Ernest shows us that this is the same Jesus of the Bible, but with a higher perspective about Judas and the crucifixion. He elevates our understanding of who we are and our Creator in ways that may surprise you.
Be prepared – this is a long article, but a profound contribution to the conversations on the planet regarding who we are and who Jesus was and is.
Ernest’s perspective, as always, is above all institutional dogma and cultural constraints. Is it not time we come to some common understanding of Truth?
Conscious Copyright Policy applies.