The Book of Ernest

Into the Light Together

Why is this our opportunity of the millennium?

Lois ClementComment

Well, our experience is certainly challenging! Is this really the opportunity of the millennium?

Let us start with something we can agree on. For the highest welfare and common good of all, we cannot imagine a path forward without changing course. If ever there were a need for Heaven’s mercy, the time is now!

But that time has come! 2,000 years ago, the Creator Son of our universe promised to return to our world, personally. Now, we have received his book, A Course in Miracles, a personal communication from him, surely preparing us for his return.

Along with his book, we are receiving massive celestial support from every quarter. A new era is unfolding. For all of us it is the highest honor to be here. 

Which brings us back to the opportunity of the millennium. Here on earth the Will of the Universal Father is done through human hearts and minds. 

That’s our opportunity. Our Creator Son is ready with miracles; his love lives in our hearts; the spirit of our Father indwells our minds. Our opportunity is love one another as our Father loves us. For that we must forgive ourselves and one another.

Which is the way we open the Heavens for our Creator Son’s return. Have no fear. We will do this!



What was abnormal about our planetary progress?

SetbacksLois ClementComment

What was abnormal about our planetary progress?

First off, we are an experimental planet. The celestials, who implanted life here, our Life Carriers, were permitted to attempt an improvement in the standard life designs.

Second, for almost a half a million years, our aboriginal race was left on their own, in a fierce battle for survival, without any direct celestial supervision or assistance.

About 500,000 years ago, our celestial supervision did arrive, our Planetary Prince, but after a loyal reign of 300,000 years, he was swept up in rebellion. As a consequence, we have been under spiritual quarantine for the last 200,000 years, and isolated from the normal circuits of communication with the Heavens.

All this is covered in considerable depth by The URANTIA Book, which is the most recent revelation to our world. Section I of my book, The Book of Ernest, summarizes this history for you. This is supremely important for our understanding of Who we are. My hope is to be enlightening and enjoyable in the process.

That was a good question! Thank you! Ernest Clement

Why is the universe watching our progress?

Lois ClementComment

Why is the universe watching our progress?

Actually, we could expand that question—why are the universe of universes watching our progress?

200,000 years ago, one of our spiritual supervisors led a rebellion against the Universal Father and as a consequence our world has for all that time suffered under spiritual quarantine. All our circuits of universe news have been shut down, but that quarantine is being lifted. We know this because recently our world received our 5th revelation, The URANTIA Book, which is the first step in lifting the quarantine.

2,000 years ago, our Creator Son ended the rebellion, and now He is the Master Son of his universe. Being a Master Son means all “power in heaven and on earth” is in his hands, personally. But he is also the Planetary Prince of our world. We believe there has never been a Master Son who was also a Planetary Prince. Literally the whole of the universe of universes is expectantly wondering what he will do next!

Currently, we are receiving massive celestial support for the final lifting of the quarantine. Our Master Son has promised to return personally to our world and his mercy will be lifting us into the Light. All the universes are in a state of the highest expectation for his new manifestation of the power and the glory of our Universal Father!

This new happening will be on our world. Let us add the power of our devotion to his. Our Master Son believes in us. Let us believe in him!